Facilities closed Dec. 24 at noon, all day Dec. 25 for Christmas break
The Household Hazardous Waste program allows residents to safely dispose of household hazardous materials free of charge. Generally, examples include cleaning products in your garage, kitchen cabinet or bathroom cabinet, such as paints, pesticides, cleaners, chemicals, motor oil, antifreeze and other related items.

Materials must be in their original containers and clearly marked. Each container cannot be bigger than five gallons or 50 pounds, but we can accept multiple containers. Examples of items we cannot accept through the Household Hazardous Waste program include smoke detectors, asbestos, ammunition, radioactive material and explosives.

Additionally, the County operates a Household Hazardous Waste Reuse program. Eligible HHW items brought to Solid Waste are made available for secondhand use to county residents at no cost to the consumer and no limit to the quantity of products taken.

The HHW Reuse program is self-service. Visitors must check in at the scale house of the Harvey County Transfer Station, where they will be directed to the reuse facility. Visitors must log materials taken out on a sign-in sheet inside the facility.

For information on conditionally exempt small quantity generators, please contact the Solid Waste Department or the Kansas Department of Health and Environment