There are 12 weeds declared noxious by the State of Kansas: Bur ragweed, Canada thistle, field bindweed, hoary cress, johnsongrass, kudzu, leafy spurge, musk thistle, pignut, quackgrass, Russian knapweed, and sericea lespedeza.
Landowners play an important role in identifying and curbing the spread of noxious weeds. Landowners are required to control and eradicate noxious weeds on their property, as enforced by State of Kansas law articles 13.2-1314 to 2-1332.
The Harvey County Noxious Weeds Department sells herbicides for landowners to use in the eradication of noxious weeds. Herbicides can be purchased Monday through Friday from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Noxious Weeds office.