When you pay taxes, they come to the Harvey County Treasurer's Office - but most of those taxes are not kept by your County government. It varies by your address, but on average, about 34 percent of a Harvey County taxpayer's taxes go toward County services. The rest are distributed to other taxing entities. Those range from schools to cities to cemeteries to watershed districts and more.
Our tax roll becomes available around Nov. 1 each year. Tax billings are then mailed around the middle of November. Taxes can be paid in full or split into two halves. If the tax bill is split, the first half is due Dec. 20, and the second half is due May 10.
There are several options available to pay your taxes. They can be made in the treasurer's office by walk-in or appointment, by dropbox at the Courthouse or by mail. Please note that payments made with debit or credit cards will incur a processing fee.
Additionally, you can search for unclaimed property through the State of Kansas Treasurer's Office.
Delinquent Payments
When tax payments are not received by the stated deadlines, they begin to accrue interest.
For real estate - such as homes or pieces of land - properties with unpaid taxes on Aug. 1 are published online and in the official county newspaper for three consecutive weeks by Kansas statute. If due taxes are unpaid for three years, the property is subject to tax foreclosure by the County and may be sold at public auction.
For personal property - such as boats, mobile homes or business equipment - items with unpaid taxes on Oct. 1 are published online and in the official county newspaper for three consecutive weeks by Kansas statute. Vehicle applications cannot be processed until delinquent personal property taxes are paid in full. If first half personal property taxes are left unpaid, a warrant will be issued in March.