Facilities closed Jan. 6 due to inclement weather

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There are many resources available for expecting and new mothers in Harvey County. Our Health Department staff can provide breastfeeding help and support by appointment by calling 316-283-1637 or 1-800-414-4244.

The Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition has recognized Harvey County as a Community Supporting Breastfeeding. There are more than 20 locations throughout Harvey County that have breastfeeding stations available in their facilities. Thank you to these businesses and organizations for their support in providing welcoming and safe environments for mothers and their families!

If you are a new or expecting mother, check out the Text4Baby app. The free app focuses on health and safety updates, appointment reminders and educational content and videos regarding nutrition and baby development.

The Harvey County Breastfeeding Coalition serves several missions:

  • Provide pregnant women in Harvey County with enough information to make an informed decision about breastfeeding or formula feeding.
  • Educate women about breastfeeding resources available in Harvey County.
  • Assist each other through exchange of ideas and cooperation.
  • Assist new mothers in setting and meeting their breastfeeding goals by problem solving, providing resources and making referrals.
  • Promote breastfeeding for working mothers by education of local organizations and businesses.
  • Educate mothers' support systems on the advantages of breastfeeding.

For more resources, follow the Harvey County BPFC page on Facebook. 

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