Chad Gay | 2017 - present |
T. Walton | 2009 - 2017 |
A.J. Wuthnow | 2007 - 2009 |
Byron L. Motter | 1990 - 2007 |
Galen Morford | 1973 - 1990 |
Norman Walker | 1967 - 1973 |
Russell Werner | 1963 - 1967 |
Harry C. Cowan | 1959 - 1963 |
Weldon K. Morford | 1955 - 1959 |
Walter K. Rogers | 1951 - 1955 |
Harry Goodman | 1947 - 1951 |
Lester Monroe | 1943 - 1947 |
Harry Goodman | 1939 - 1943 |
Lester Monroe | 1935 - 1939 |
Frank Darney | 1931 - 1935 |
J.M. McIntire | 1927 - 1931 |
Carl E. Adams | 1923 - 1927 |
Will Patton | 1919 - 1923 |
J.N. Smith | 1915 - 1919 |
E.W. Slaymaker | 1911 - 1915 |
A.R. Ainsworth | 1909 - 1911 |
J.S. Blanpied | 1905 - 1909 |
C.D. Masters | 1900 - 1905 |
W.E. Means | 1898 - 1899 |
R.J. Judkins | 1894 - 1898 |
E.E. Pollard | 1890 - 1894 |
James Ryan | 1886 - 1890 |
John F. Wafer | 1882 - 1886 |
H.H. McAdams | 1878 - 1882 |
S.D. Leonard | 1876 - 1878 |
George Hagerty | 1874 - 1876 |
C.A. Tracy | 1873 - 1874 |
W.M. Chamberlain | 1872 - 1873 |
The Harvey County Detention Center has been housed in four buildings. The first was constructed in 1880, after an 1879 election vote carried a proposition to issue county bonds for $6,000 to build the facility. Over time, the first iteration of the jail showed inadequacies, growing unsuitable for its purpose.
A 1916 special election allowed the county commission to build a new jail. C.C. Peterson submitted the winning bid at $16,143. The jail was completed Aug. 22, 1922.
As time wore on, a facility upgrade was once again needed. Construction for the new Harvey County Courthouse, including a jail, began in 1964.
The current Harvey County Detention Center opened in 1997. The ground-breaking ceremony was held Nov. 20, 1995.

(The evolution of Harvey County detention centers. From left to right: 1880, 1917, 1964, 1997.)
The current Harvey County Detention Center opened in 1997. The ground-breaking ceremony was held Nov. 20, 1995.

(The evolution of Harvey County detention centers. From left to right: 1880, 1917, 1964, 1997.)